Important Recent Developments in Housing Court Litigation
*click on any of the links below to open full case history & decision*
Decisions & Case Law:
Case Law:
Succession Rights:
Rent Control:
560-568 Audubon Realty v. Rodriguez - Judge Stoller finds "reverse discount" to be unconscionable late fee - grounds to vacate nonpayment stip
567 w 184th L.L.C. v. Martinez, L&T - multiple tenants granted summary judgment finding apartments eligible for rent stabilization after 6th unit added to building
Matter of Park v. New York State Div. of Hous. & Community Renewal, 101163/14 - Appellate Devision affirms DHCR's decision that Petitioner's FMRA is time barred.
Meleck Shalom LLC v. Valentine, 55327/2017- The court found that an illegal cellar apartment counts as a 6th apartment for purposes of rent stabilization regulations
NYLJ March 19, 2015-Sirico v Rodriguez-90337-13-Apt not regulated as premises contained less than 6 units. Judge dismissed case with prej finding tenant was RC-took occupancy in 1968.pdf
June 30, 2015 - Jacob Marion, LLC, Petitioner, v. "John Doe" et al., Respondents. 86889/14 Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County
NYLJ July 16, 2015 - Plaza Residences LP, Petitioner v. Theresa Rawlerson, Respondent, L&T 55093/14 L&T 55093/14 Civil Court, Kings County, Housing Part A
NYLJ September 26, 2014 - Appellate Term, 1st Dept - Henry Phipps Plaza South Associates L.P. v Judith Quijano, et al - Index 571049-12 - TERMINATING HUD SECTION 8 TENANCY BASED ON FRAUD.pdf
NYLJ March 11, 2015 - 557-559 Wilson Ave Realty v Murdough, et al - Index 6663614 - Judge Ofshtein finds that tenant may challenge rent-regulatory status beyond 4 years...pdf
Citadel Estates LLC v NYCHA - Jan. 30, 2013.pdf
Warrant of Habitability:
River Park Residences L.P. v. Davis- tenant granted abatement in non-payment proceeding based upon health code violations.
NYLJ July 22, 2015 - St. Anns Apts, LLC, Petitioner v. Veronica Guerrero, Respondent, L & T 62747/14 L & T 62747/14 Civil Court, Bronx County, Housing Part C
GDA Realty Corp., Petitioner-Landlord v. Ramon Puello and Otto Puello, Respondents-Tenants, 71407-2014 .pdf
Stipulation Errors/Attorney Authority:
Eviction of a Terminated Superintendent:
Constructive Eviction:
Tenant Rights to Attorneys' Fees:
Short Term Rental of Rooms:
Lease Violations:
Nonmilitary Affidavits:
Post-Eviction Rent Collection:
Rent Demand Defect/Amendments
Proper Notice of Under Tenant/Occupant/Licensee
Lease Renewal Effect on Judgments
Non-Primary Residency
Eviction of Under Tenants
Non-Ownership as a Defense
Williams Consent Decree
Ownership Transfer/Vacation of Premises